I am pleased to announce that my blog posts are now available in multiple languages thanks to the translation capabilities of artificial intelligence!

The original articles, written in French, are now automatically translated into:

Why These AI Translations?

As an open source and knowledge sharing enthusiast, I wanted to make my content more accessible to a global audience. Using the latest automatic translation technologies, particularly GPT-4o, these translations enable readers worldwide to access my articles in their native language.

Translations Done with GPT-4o

The translations are performed using GPT-4o, a language processing model developed by OpenAI. This model ensures accurate and high-quality translations for multilingual content faithful to the original.

AI at the Service of Automation

My automatic translation script uses the latest models from OpenAI, Anthropic, and Mistral AI to ensure quality translations. If you want to learn more about how this script works, you can check out its source code:

👉 AI-Powered Markdown Translator on GitLab


I invite you to discover the AI translations of the articles on my blog. Do not hesitate to give me feedback on the quality of the translations; I am always listening to improve this feature. Together, let’s make information more accessible to as many people as possible!

This document was translated from the fr version to the en language using the gpt-4o model. For more information on the translation process, please see https://gitlab.com/jls42/ai-powered-markdown-translator.